6 Day "Reset and Rise" Mental Detox Retreat in Portugal

With Paulina

May 6 - 11, 2024

Address: Charneca de Caparica, Portugal

Contact: Paulina

  • €749.00 – 6 day retreat in private single room
  • €819.00 – 6 day retreat in private double room (queen bed)
  • €649.00 – 6 day retreat in shared twin room (single bed) shared with only one other person

The 6 Day “Rise and Reset” Mental Detox retreat in Caparica, Portugal is designed to release mental clutter, and overwhelming emotions, cultivate inner peace, and bring clarity to your life to construct your life vision.

Through a combination of individual therapy sessions, healing, and rejuvenating activities, you will embark on a transformative journey toward clarity, improved well-being, and a happier life!

It is a very special retreat with massive value, with plenty of individual sessions in Naturopathy, Hypnotherapy & NLP, Reflexology, and Massage.

It is a very personal retreat as we keep the number of spots very limited (max 3 persons) in order to be able to do individual sessions and bring massive value to each participant. On top of that, you will enjoy the peaceful surroundings of the retreat and our amazing location close to one of Portugal’s most beautiful beaches with plenty of activities on the beach.

What’s included:

*5 Individual therapy sessions:


-2 Hypnotherapy


-Massage (40 mins)

*4 Workshops:

-Mental Detox Workshop using NLP

-Physical Detox with Naturopathy

-Create your life vision

-Relax and take care of yourself

*Many collective sessions:


-NLP & Hypnotherapy




*Full Detox = Mental + Physical + Energy

*1st phase: release mental clutter, emotions, and things that don’t serve you anymore to achieve a higher quality of life, and bring clarity and inner peace.

*2nd phase: transformation and design what you want for yourself. Create your life vision to help you transform into the best version of yourself!

-Mental Detox: using NLP, Hypnotherapy, Sophrology, and Meditation techniques.

-Physical Detox: with tasty and vegetarian food served each day, Naturopathy techniques combining knowledge of plants, diet, and essential oils.

-Energy Detox: with the Reflexology technique, Meditation, and Reiki

About the Leader


Paulina left London and her corporate career 5 years ago after going through some serious illnesses, she realized how much life is precious and it was time for her to follow her heart and her dreams. She is a licensed Hypnotherapist, Naturopath, NLP practitioner, Sophrology and Reflexology practitionner and Reiki master. She is a licensed […]

Learn more about Paulina